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Seeking Zanshin: Blood, Sweat, Tears & Aikikai Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 02-24-2005 10:53 PM
One small gal + a dojo full of big guys = tons o' fun
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Status: Public
Entries: 270 (Private: 12)
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Views: 876,685

In General "A Book of Five Rings" and Aikido Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #20 New 09-04-2003 01:08 AM
Having finished the book while on my trip, I resolved to take some of it's teachings with me as a reminder throughout my training of some of the theories of strategy which I have been encountering in my own experiences thus far. (Perhaps in future, should time permit it, I will be able to write about each in further detail.)

Among the notable of Musashi's (more general strategic advice) are:

On understanding underlying principles...
"From one thing, know ten thousand things."

On timing...
"Timing in strategy cannot be mastered without a great deal of practice." Tell me about it.

On the Way for men to learn his strategy...
"1. Do not think dishonestly.
2. The Way is in training.
3. Become acquainted with every art.
4. Know the Ways of all professions.
5. Distinguish between gain and loss in worldly matters.
6. Develop intuitive judgement and understanding for everything.
7. Perceive those things which cannot be seen.
8. Pay attention even to trifles.
9. Do nothing which is of no use."

On one's spiritual bearing...
"Both in fighting and in everyday life you should be deterimined though calm. Meet the situation without tenseness yet not recklessly, your spirit settled yet unbiased."

On one's gaze...
"In strategy it is important to see distant things as if they were close and to take a distanced view of close things."
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