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PaulRevelia's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 08-05-2005 01:53 PM
The Path of Aikido
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Status: Public
Entries: 3
Comments: 1
Views: 11,891

In General A lesson in falling Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #2 New 08-11-2005 07:48 AM
Day two of class started with everyone stretching and rolling. The humidity was very high to say the least. Today's Sensei is Alan. Without too much knowledge of Aikido I can already see that there is a big difference between the levels of black belts. There really is a much greater attention to detail the longer Aikido has been practiced. I am sure I will come to appreciate the tiny motions in time but for now I am happy when I can complete the technique and do the proper roll or lead the Uke into a roll. We did some wrist locks and techniques that had us lead the Uke all the way to the ground. I am not yet used to manipulating wrists, elbows and shoulders but it was a nice lesson.

The first attack we learned was a cross wrist grab into a grab of both wrists from behind. The idea being you lead the Uke around to reach for the other. As the Uke is about to grab your other wrist you must use footwork and timing to throw Uke off balance. When I got this almost right( I won't say right since there is so much technique ) I had my Uke fall and roll back. This one technique was what most of the class eluded to.

After an hour and a half of practicing we were all very hot and dehydrated. After class is done we all stand in a circle and Sensei asks if anyone has anything to say. We stand in order of level, the person on Sensei's left being the highest rank. I stood as the second to last person. My roomate and i started the same day so we are both beginners. A few things were said and we were dismissed. I stayed for a while and talked with some of the class members before heading to the gym to lift wieghts. I ended up doing about an hour of Chest and tri's. A shower and some food and I was ready to sleep. I left the house at 7:30 a.m. and got home around 11 p.m. That's a long day in my book. Class Thursday should be great, each class seems to offer a different look at defense and balance.
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