View Full Version : You might be an Aikido addict if ....
11-05-2005, 01:44 AM
Is Aikido addictive? I believe it is. I had many justifications for returning to Aikido after 16 years, but at the end of the day, I resumed studying it because it got in my blood back in the '80s and that was it -- hooked now and forever.
Of course, unless you overtrain, Aikido is not as harmful as say sex, drugs, or gambling. But it is an addiction nonetheless. And so, as a public service, and with apologies to Jeff Foxworthy, here are some warning signs:
You might be an Aikido addict if .....
.... when Kali class is canceled, your first thought is to go to Aikido
.... when you go into a book store, you make a b-line of the martial arts section and flip through the Aikido books. BUY an Aikido book, even though you already have more.
.... you make a point of doing so on vacation.
.... you start this thread on Aikiweb.
11-05-2005, 02:48 PM
This should be fun :D
You might be an aikido addict if you and your friends think a group hug involves randori.
You might be an aikido addict if your wife holds your hand and you think how can I get ikkyu from here
You might be an aikido addict if you wear your hakama to work.
You might be an aikido addict if your hear someone say broken and you think they said bokken and break into kata.
You might be an aikido addict if you name your daughter Irimi, or your dog Oshitaoshi.
All for now :D
BK git r dun
11-05-2005, 04:21 PM
You might be an aikido addict if....
After being concussed, you bounce right up, and sensei about has to wrestle you off the mat...
All the yudansha are sprawled on the floor after randori (not with you) and you're bouncing around like the proverbial aiki-ferret. :D
It's a struggle not to ikkyo or sankyo someone if their hands swing forward in front of you, or your hands swing forward while you're holding theirs.
11-05-2005, 05:19 PM
You have 3 bokkens in your golf bag??
11-05-2005, 06:50 PM
You have 3 bokkens in your golf bag??
11-06-2005, 12:45 PM
- if u dream to train from morning till night every day
- there are nearly 1000 portraits of O-Sensei in your bedroom
- every morning before breakfast u repeat 31 kata
- every night u are dreaming of recieving 10th dan
Robert Jackson
11-06-2005, 10:20 PM
- If you reply to controversy with "Oh yeah, Grab my wrist!!!"
- See a big hall and make decide forward rolls would get you through it quicker.
- "Chew your food with your center" -- Gotta give Bozz props for this one..
11-07-2005, 12:22 AM
you feel a itch to preform ikkyo when your daughter holds your hand ....
you drag as many friends as possible to the dojo so you can practice outside the dojo
you think a 7 hour training day is a GOOD idea
the ambulance crew know your name
:D :D :D
Eric Webber
11-09-2005, 11:25 AM a calander year you have more days in the dojo than you do at the office...
Camille Lore
11-09-2005, 10:29 PM
:eek: Sounds great!! Wish I could train that often!
John Boswell
11-11-2005, 01:58 PM
- "Chew your food with your center" -- Gotta give Bozz props for this one..
DUDE! That was funny as hell! I still wanna ask Shihan about that one. ;) :p
11-17-2005, 08:58 AM
You find yourself "blending with and redirecting" your cat when it tries to jump onto your lap uninvited...
P.S. Cats make great uke... especially if they're completely spoiled... they just go wherever you push them... ;)
Oh yeah, and if you can't sleep on nights where you didn't have class because you have too much excess energy :confused:
<end edit>
11-17-2005, 12:42 PM
Heh --- this is a lot like a little thing I posted to my AikiBlog not that long ago (my Sensei's contribution follows). I've removed the dojo-specific references, however...
This came about when, on my break at work yesterday, I
looked down and realized that I was walking around
holding my wallet and water bottle like I was gripping
a bokken. :-P
You know you're a hardcore Aikidoka when:
- ...the Aikido dreams start.
- find yourself with an irresistible urge to
bow every time you enter or exit a room.
- ...the smell of rancid sweat has become oddly
unnoticeable to you.
- immediately stop what you're doing and sit
down whenever you hear someone clap their hands.
- feel like doing Yonkyo anytime someone
reaches to give you a handshake.
- no longer grip anything with your index
- wear athletic tape and/or Neoprene braces
so often, they're practically fashion accessories.
- You blurt out "Hai!" when you're asked to do something at home, or at work.
- You wonder how you would flip someone in an elevator.
- You don't just open a door -- you extend into it from your center.
- Missing practice makes you feel like a caged animal.
- A crowded sidewalk always means tai sabaki practice.
- You've tried doing mai ukemi down a hill -- or on cement.
- Sensei regularly slams the crap out of you.
- You actually want Sensei to slam the crap out of you.
11-17-2005, 12:44 PM
the ambulance crew know your name
:D :D :D
Hehehe...and here I just commented to my Sensei recently that the local hospital's Urgent Care triage has become a regular haunt of ours. :D
Robert Jackson
11-17-2005, 02:02 PM
DUDE! That was funny as hell! I still wanna ask Shihan about that one. ;) :p
Yes it was one of the rare occasions that you said something funny :D
-- After being thrown with a powerful technique you jump up saying "Do it again, Do it again"
-- You tap out... after stubbing your toe.
-- During the office fire drill you look out your third floor window and wonder "Would ukemi work??"
11-17-2005, 02:52 PM
--Instead of folding your hands when you're sitting, you hold your own wrist, being sure to use the little finger line.
--You meet an attractive person and your first throught is "Wouldn't they look nice taking ukemi?"
--You settle marital disputes via nikyo, sankyo and yonkyo. (Hey, it's fair--I'm higher ranked, he has a higher pain threshhold....)
Mary Kaye
11-18-2005, 05:17 AM
--You meet an attractive person and your first throught is "Wouldn't they look nice taking ukemi?"
Mary Kaye
Oh thank the gods Im not the only one .....
I too look at the hotties in night clubs and start thinking "I wonder what your face looks like twisted and contorted with pain?"
oh right .... we're talking AIKIDO!???? :blush: :D :rolleyes:
Ulises Garcia
11-18-2005, 12:31 PM eagerly wait for Halloween (or any other costume party) to wear your gi and hakama outside the dojo. keep dreaming of Aikido (what do they mean? I have had them for months, at least 4 nights a week). :crazy:
-U- (Another Aikido dreamer)
Camille Lore
11-22-2005, 09:09 PM
You're working as a paramedic and get called to a minor injury on a wrestling mat. You keep poking at the mats with your boot and wondering what the reaction would be if you did a high breakfall in the middle of a call :D
11-24-2005, 01:19 AM keep dreaming of Aikido (what do they mean? I have had them for months, at least 4 nights a week). :crazy:
-U- (Another Aikido dreamer)
Hmmmm .... haven't had any dreams of Aikido, but have had people from the dojo appear.
I guess I really am hooked! :)
Robert Jackson
11-25-2005, 07:03 AM
Thanksgiving rolls around and for some goofy reason your roommate asks you to name 5 things your thankful for and you answer Ikkyo, Nikkyo, Sankyo, Yonkyo, Gokyo.
11-28-2005, 05:16 PM
1. When you see a strait wooden stick, such as a broken broom handle, you automatically refer to it as a jo.
2. When you sit down on the sofa, you first bend one knee up behind you.
3. You commonly walk in shikko at home or work to get from one place to another without standing up.
4. When waiting in line, you think about which techniques you would like to practice tommorow at the dojo.
5. You choose your job based on if it interferes with your training time.
6. In your spare time, you carve bokkens out of branches you find laying on the ground.
7. You have read just about all the information there is on the internet.
8. You think being thrown or pinned feels great.
9. You dream about being thrown or pinned.
10. You consider all of the above to be a good thing and a normal part of life.
Ulises Garcia
11-29-2005, 12:38 AM
>You hope for the next installment of the Street Fighter series to finally have an Aikido character (flowing Hakama and all), with the coolest Shihonages, Kotegaeshis and Kokyunages (ki-blasts optional).
>You have as much fun with Aikido3D now, as you did with Tekken 3 when it first came out (love to turn uke invisible in tantodori. The floating tanto looks cool!).
Hey! Did I just give away that I'm a gamer? :blush:
:D :D :D
11-29-2005, 01:33 PM
ohhhh i pray that i dont have sensei haunt my dreams ...... IS THERE NO END TO THIS MADNESS!!!!! :eek:
<not that sensei isnt a wonderful man ... and having him appear would be a true priviledge! (ok ... dun creeping!)
Tim Gerrard
11-30-2005, 09:35 AM
.... when Kali class is canceled, your first thought is to go to Aikido
Happened last week when a date blew me out. Strange, actually felt happy about goin to aikido, and was a bit disappointed i couldn't have done both in the first place.
Nick Simpson
11-30-2005, 10:53 AM
when a date blew me out
11-30-2005, 11:10 AM
ohhhh i pray that i dont have sensei haunt my dreams ...... IS THERE NO END TO THIS MADNESS!!!!! :eek:
No. Even if you quit tomorrow, Aikido will haunt you. The books in the sports section will call to you. News of another dojo in your area will pique your interest and hold like nothing else will. And sooner or later, as much as you try to fight it, YOU WILL GO BACK! And the madness starts all over again.
Face it: You're doomed. evileyes :D (What's "abandon hope all ye who enter here" in Japanese?) :)
Tim Gerrard
11-30-2005, 12:44 PM
Yeah Nick, but I thought your excuse of, "I'm washing my hair" for the third night running, was wearing a bit thin.
12-01-2005, 08:56 AM
No. Even if you quit tomorrow, Aikido will haunt you. The books in the sports section will call to you. News of another dojo in your area will pique your interest and hold like nothing else will. And sooner or later, as much as you try to fight it, YOU WILL GO BACK! And the madness starts all over again.
Face it: You're doomed. evileyes :D (What's "abandon hope all ye who enter here" in Japanese?) :)
look for me then ,... I'll be the one rocking in the corner chanting the word wibble! :D :D :D :hypno:
12-01-2005, 11:17 AM
look for me then ,... I'll be the one rocking in the corner chanting the word wibble! :D :D :D :hypno:
Beat you to it; find your own corner. :hypno: Wibble! :hypno:
Tim Gerrard
12-04-2005, 09:19 AM
look for me then ,... I'll be the one rocking in the corner chanting the word wibble! :D :D :D :hypno:
On the count of 3, underpants on head and pencils up nose......
1....2....3.......and repeat after me "I'm off to Hartlepool to buy some exploding trousers..............beep"
Lorien Lowe
12-04-2005, 06:28 PM a calander year you have more days in the dojo than you do at the office...
...And you resist taking on more days at the office (even though you need the money) because it would interfere with your training schedule.
12-05-2005, 05:02 PM
On the count of 3, underpants on head and pencils up nose......
1....2....3.......and repeat after me "I'm off to Hartlepool to buy some exploding trousers..............beep"
..... Beep :freaky:
Tim Gerrard
12-05-2005, 06:22 PM
"Remember if you're struck with a Bokken remember not to go AAAHHHHHWWWW!!!"
"Were you just struck with a bokken Sensei?"
"No, I've just dipped my elbow in a blob of ice-cream"
Tim Gerrard
12-05-2005, 06:24 PM
Christ, you might be an Aikido Addict when you start incorporating Blackadder into aikiweb.
12-09-2005, 05:09 PM
Christ, you might be an Aikido Addict when you start incorporating Blackadder into aikiweb.
but it was so nicely done! :D
12-10-2005, 10:07 AM
.... you are contemplating (I haven't made any plans yet) a 1,646 mile (2633.6 km) multi-part round trip road trip to follw your sensei to a seminar he's going to teach in Cincinatti.
.... you even consider such a trip because you really liked the dojo there (this one: -- it is an impressive place IMHO) and have been waiting for a chance to go back.
... you feel conflicted because there might be a Francis Fong seminar in Niagara Falls on the same weekend as the Cincy Aikido seminar. (Although the mileage for that one would be shorter.)
12-11-2005, 06:18 PM
ur therapist refuses to listen to u talk about aikido anymore
Eric Webber
12-12-2005, 11:31 AM
ur therapist refuses to listen to u talk about aikido anymore
Your therapist stops paying attention b/c he's an aikido addict....
12-12-2005, 12:57 PM
Your therapist still knows what you mean when half the words you use are Japanese! (And so do your friends and family....)
Mary Kaye
James Davis
12-13-2005, 12:24 PM
My wife doesn't train with me and still knows exactly what I mean when I speak japanese. I talk about this stuff waaaay too much. :p
12-13-2005, 01:36 PM
...if you hate wearing shoes.
...if you shadow-box at work.
...if you post a reply on this thread.
Tim Gerrard
12-13-2005, 05:34 PM
When you get a new mobile phone, you spend the first 2 months trying to teach the predictive text Japanese.
Robert Jackson
12-13-2005, 07:40 PM
You're sitting in your office talking... your chair breaks sending fly backwards... UshirioUkemi comes into play and your hands slap the carpet without even thinking... you marvel at your ukemi before you even think to wonder what actually happened.... or why your coworkers are laughing.
12-16-2005, 02:21 PM
You wake up at 2 AM on the floor next to your bed in an overhead breakfall position.
You sleep with your boken.
You sit in your work office and cure your boredom by naming every way you could use each everyday object you have as a weapon.
12-18-2005, 03:00 PM
u go to ur works safety at work instruction ... and do the "breakway" course ... when they say "right im gunna grab your wrist ... u immediatly forget the "patient friendly" technique and immediatly do nikkyo" ..... small whisper of oops didnt go unnoticed
Tim Gerrard
12-19-2005, 05:07 AM
u go to ur works safety at work instruction ... and do the "breakway" course ... when they say "right im gunna grab your wrist ... u immediatly forget the "patient friendly" technique and immediatly do nikkyo" ..... small whisper of oops didnt go unnoticed
:( They wouldn't let me go on my works one, seems management had gotten wind of exactly what I thought of the staff in my office and feared a bloodbath. Spoiling my fun :uch:
12-26-2005, 11:38 PM
.... you drive twenty-five miles in Lake-Effect snow showers on questionable road conditions to get to class.
Trish Greene
01-19-2006, 02:07 PM
You find yourself in your cubicle at work blending with an imaginary Uke and are so in to it that you are oblivious to the stares from the people walking past your door...
( I have a rather large cubicle that lets me move around!)
01-20-2006, 03:35 PM
-when you havent trained in 6 years but it was constantly on your mine
-when after your first class back after 6 years you hurt like hell can barely walk, but have a huge smile on your face and cant wait until next class
01-20-2006, 05:09 PM
... you think it's apprpriate that the Site Kiosk browser on the hotel computer you are using has a rotating yin/yang symbol
.... you read post #50 and think that sums up how you felt when you cam back after sixteen years.
... you are reading this at a hotel where you will stay while attending a seminar your sensei is teaching
.... you are not ashamed that you originated this thread
01-21-2006, 03:30 PM
Hello ... my names Emma .... and Im an Ukemi addict
01-22-2006, 11:29 PM
Hello ... my names Emma .... and Im an Ukemi addict
<sitting on chair in circle with Emma and other addicts>
Hi, Emma.
01-26-2006, 09:08 PM
<sitting on chair in circle with Emma and other addicts>
Hi, Emma.
*sobs with happiness*
I feel soo accepted!
Dirk Hanss
01-27-2006, 04:40 AM
Real Aikido addicts are not posting here - they are on the mat
01-27-2006, 10:43 AM
Real Aikido addicts are not posting here - they are on the mat
No, those are the hardcore Aikido addicts. People posting here aren't there yet, but we are still hooked.
James Davis
01-27-2006, 12:00 PM
Hello ... my names Emma .... and Im an Ukemi addict
Get up, Emma.
01-28-2006, 08:41 PM
1. You never miss a class.
2. You can spend hours at a time on web sites such as this one.
3. You practice ukemi in your basement after every one else is asleep. (usually on concrete floor because it takes to long to pull out the mattress)
4. You practice ukemi in you sleep and wake up after slamming into a wall.
5. You find this amusing.
:ai: :ki: :do:
01-29-2006, 11:58 AM
..... You can spend hours at a time on web sites such as this one .....
Hmmm, that mean you may also suffer from aikiweb addiction. See:
01-29-2006, 12:13 PM
No, those are the hardcore Aikido addicts. People posting here aren't there yet, but we are still hooked.
Hey, I'd be on the mat if I could, the mats where I practice are used by other groups too, so they're not always open for me to practice. Plus I don't have anybody to practice with at random times.
01-30-2006, 06:43 PM
No, those are the hardcore Aikido addicts. People posting here aren't there yet, but we are still hooked.
id like to be on the mat ... i would ... but then Id have the conflict of being away from this website ....
like the psycologist says ... "baby steps!"
01-31-2006, 12:02 PM
id like to be on the mat ... i would ... but then Id have the conflict of being away from this website ....
like the psycologist says ... "baby steps!"
Unless you suffer from both Aikido addiction and Aikiweb addiction ( ); then you're really screwed. :)
02-01-2006, 10:31 AM
*weeps by extending ki on my tears*
My dojo is closed during the day, and only open during class time. My sensei is married with two kids, so he actually has a life outside of Aikido. :disgust:
Matt Molloy
02-01-2006, 10:51 AM
[QUOTE=Amanda SterlingMy sensei is married with two kids, so he actually has a life outside of Aikido. :disgust:[/QUOTE]
Shameful! A life outside of Aikido? Whatever next? *shakes head*
02-01-2006, 11:51 AM
Shameful! A life outside of Aikido? Whatever next? *shakes head*
Yeah, next thing you know people will be waring clothes other than their gis in daily life! :eek:
02-01-2006, 12:45 PM
Yeah, next thing you know people will be waring clothes other than their gis in daily life! :eek:
what kinda freak would do that?
02-01-2006, 02:46 PM
.......if u are doing aikido, all your friends are doing aikido, and all your family is doing aikido,and everybody u know are doing aikido...
Jeanne Shepard
02-01-2006, 03:25 PM
If you only take "Aikido Vacations" (trips to seminars)
Just got back from San Francisco!!!!
Jeanne :p
If you only take "Aikido Vacations" (trips to seminars)
Just got back from San Francisco!!!!
Jeanne :p
I took my wife on vacation twice last year. To Albany, NY for the 20th Anniversary of Faust Sensei's teaching in the Capital District and to New York city for the Christmas seminar at NY Aikikai. She does not do Aikido but she is still an addict. Me too I guess.
Matt Molloy
02-02-2006, 03:10 AM
Yeah, next thing you know people will be waring clothes other than their gis in daily life! :eek:
You mean that I'm not supposed to be wearing this at work? :confused:
Wondered why everyone was looking at me funny. :o
*Hides suburito under desk.*
02-02-2006, 11:38 AM
what kinda freak would do that?
I dunno, but there are some pretty weired people out there! I really ought to take my boken with me wherever I go, just to be safe. :)
James Davis
02-02-2006, 11:51 AM
You might be an aikido addict if you practically made a verbal prenuptial agreement with your wife that you will never stop training, ever. :straightf
(Besides, the time apart keeps her from being sick of me.) :D
Matt Molloy
02-02-2006, 12:32 PM
I dunno, but there are some pretty weired people out there! I really ought to take my boken with me wherever I go, just to be safe. :)
Gotta remember to use that as my excuse.
*Goes back to wiping tea off the monitor.*
02-03-2006, 11:31 AM
You're welcome, Matt. And on a serious note, you really shouldn't be eating or drinking anything if you go into a section labled "humor." Just a thought.
Matt Molloy
02-04-2006, 04:17 AM
You're welcome, Matt. And on a serious note, you really shouldn't be eating or drinking anything if you go into a section labled "humor." Just a thought.
I know, I know. My fault. It was a learning experience. :)
02-07-2006, 06:40 AM
During Winter Camp we had a towel crisis (I don't think the hotel had any idea how many towels 250 aikidoka could use up). The maid finally came in to say that she had some towels for us, did I want them? I said "Hai!" and bowed to her, and then felt puzzled because she didn't bow back....
Mary Kaye
02-15-2006, 08:35 AM
Oh yeah, and if you can't sleep on nights where you didn't have class because you have too much excess energy :confused:
<end edit>[/QUOTE]
I have that symptom and worse. I can't sleep the nights before I train because I get all psyched for class. Then I finally do fall asleep, but I'll be all tired and sluggish when it's actually class time the next morning from not getting enough sleep.
02-15-2006, 08:46 AM
Real Aikido addicts are not posting here - they are on the mat
I would be if I weren't at work. Damn it. That just made me think of one.... Your job gets in the way of your aikido training.
02-17-2006, 06:30 AM
U think incorporating your aikido in to the work place is a good idea .... (Nikkyo on old people??? ... not a good combination¬!) lol ;)
02-17-2006, 11:11 AM
U think incorporating your aikido in to the work place is a good idea .... (Nikkyo on old people??? ... not a good combination¬!) lol ;)
Nothing wrong with practicing my footwork in the hallways though.
James Davis
02-17-2006, 11:33 AM
U think incorporating your aikido in to the work place is a good idea .... (Nikkyo on old people??? ... not a good combination¬!) lol ;)
Yeah, they have canes. Stay back. :drool:
02-18-2006, 12:52 AM
Yeah, they have canes. Stay back. :drool:
Especially the little old Filipino guys; don't let them have any sharp objects, either, unless you REALLY want to practice blending! :p :D
Carlos Rivera
02-18-2006, 08:53 PM
If you do the 31 Jo Kata, and the kumi jo (partner practice) with chopsticks at a Chinese restaurant. . . and then you discuss the finer points of the kata with your partner while the waitress looks at you like you must be from another planet.
True story, saw two of the folks from our dojo do it. . . :cool:
03-18-2006, 05:36 PM
you insist on saying domo arigato when you are handed your change in the shops and you bow to people when you greet them
03-20-2006, 11:16 PM
u breakfall in your latest gymnastic class .......
03-21-2006, 07:37 AM
if you walk around your house in your gi 10 hours before your class is to start :D :p :blush:
James Davis
03-21-2006, 11:42 AM
you insist on saying domo arigato when you are handed your change in the shops and you bow to people when you greet them
I almost bow every time I enter my church! I guess I'm in a similar frame of mind as when I'm about to train. :)
03-21-2006, 12:45 PM
if you have posted more than ten times in this thread alone
James Davis
03-23-2006, 11:26 AM
if you walk around your house in your gi 10 hours before your class is to start :D :p :blush:
At least you're in something, right? ;)
03-23-2006, 12:16 PM
At least you're in something, right? ;)
lol if i walked around with nothing on i scare the hell out of every one :eek:
Lucy Smith
04-20-2006, 01:24 PM
you were day dreaming about the Aikido class that afternoon and when your chemistry professor calls your attention you suddenly say "shimas!!"
Dennis Good
04-21-2006, 01:09 PM
I just noticed this thread was in the humor forum and I must say I am appalled. Addiction is never a laughing matter and you should all be ashamed of yourselves. :D
05-04-2006, 05:22 PM
yeah! .... .. damnit hes right .... good thing i CAN quit anytime I choose
05-04-2006, 06:35 PM
yeah! .... .. damnit hes right .... good thing i CAN quit anytime I choose
mmmmmmmm yea emma you can quite doing aikido :D about as much as your willing to give up sex :eek:
Steve Mullen
05-05-2006, 05:56 AM
....You just minimised this window and found that the desktop on your works computer contains 3 clips of your sensei performing technique, 1 of Shihan Cottier performing technique, you organisations grading syllabus, a discussion on Ki, but strangly, no work related folders :confused: :confused:
05-05-2006, 10:08 AM
You know your're addicted if:
While sitting in seiza having sex I keep thinking should I be on my toes or not? Am I centered properly?
Beard of Chuck Norris
05-05-2006, 10:23 AM
...If you've just read all these posts! :D
Mark Freeman
05-05-2006, 11:08 AM
You know your're addicted if:
While sitting in seiza having sex I keep thinking should I be on my toes or not? Am I centered properly?
Mark, you definitely need help, particularly if this is happening when there is another person involved. ;)
If it's just you it doesn't really matter so much :D
05-05-2006, 11:45 AM
Honestly now, its always with someone, but even on the mat its difficult trying to stay in that position for about 30 minutes. :blush:
Mark Freeman
05-06-2006, 06:23 AM
Honestly now, its always with someone, but even on the mat its difficult trying to stay in that position for about 30 minutes. :blush:
Ah, the benefits of practice... ;)
05-09-2006, 05:13 PM
Just for the record ... I AM taking notes .... and addresses ..... and dude ..... something is SERIOUSLY wrong of your thinking about posture during sex!
*shakes head* ... I dunno ....
05-10-2006, 07:08 AM
whats sex again emmsy??? :confused: :freaky: :disgust:
05-12-2006, 07:38 AM
well karen I could give u very indepth deatils .... but its a family site
Steve Mullen
05-12-2006, 08:01 AM
PM me it, i could use some of that kind of talk
05-15-2006, 05:10 AM
steve ... u wicked tempter! ....
(of course I shall!)
06-07-2006, 01:33 PM
After sixteen years out, declining the offers of back surgery, accepting middle age, and that you 'just can't do it anymore' - films of Hiroshi Akeda Shihan make you misty then act such a clutz in class you are jeered by the juvenile senior student, and you put up with it!
you tell yourself the dreams of what you'll do to him when you get your center back are just good training goals. :)
speaking of dreams - sometimes your mind is sorting stuff out when your silly 'thinking' brain is out of the way.
06-20-2006, 08:54 PM
...You know you're a hardcore Aikidoka when:
- ...the Aikido dreams start.
- find yourself with an irresistible urge to
bow every time you enter or exit a room.
- ...the smell of rancid sweat has become oddly
unnoticeable to you.
- immediately stop what you're doing and sit
down whenever you hear someone clap their hands.
- feel like doing Yonkyo anytime someone
reaches to give you a handshake.
- no longer grip anything with your index
- wear athletic tape and/or Neoprene braces
so often, they're practically fashion accessories.
- You blurt out "Hai!" when you're asked to do something at home, or at work.
- You wonder how you would flip someone in an elevator.
- You don't just open a door -- you extend into it from your center.
- Missing practice makes you feel like a caged animal.
- A crowded sidewalk always means tai sabaki practice.
- You've tried doing mai ukemi down a hill -- or on cement.
- Sensei regularly slams the crap out of you.
- You actually want Sensei to slam the crap out of you.
Highlighted ones pertain to me especially... :D
Some additional ones for me:
- You cannot think of the future beyond the next grading.
- People think you're a little "spacey" because you're always thinking about Aikido.
- Your spouse threatens to leave because you're gone to practice, demos or camps so much.
- Coworkers don't think of you based upon your work or department but refer to you as the "Aikido guy".
That is all...
topan tantudo
06-21-2006, 02:20 AM
you skips your school so often just to go to dojo.
your teacher know where you go when you skip the school.
you go to school wearing your dogi
John Boswell
06-21-2006, 03:26 PM
You might be an Aikido addict if...
You are the original poster of this thread... and you still come back to check on it and add to the list. ;)
(Not me, but it would be funny if it were true. ;) )
06-24-2006, 09:19 AM
You might be an Aikido addict if...
You are the original poster of this thread... and you still come back to check on it and add to the list. ;) ....
Guilty as charged. And furthermore ....
You might be an Aikido addict if ....
... you are the original poster on this thread and you selected the "Instant e-mail notification" option under" subscriptions.
(Actually, I do that with every thread I'm following, but you get the idea. I guess I'm doomed.)
06-24-2006, 10:15 AM
You might be an Aikido addict if ....
* You clean your yard and take out the trash every morning wearing a hakama.
* more than 50% your laptop's hard drive consists of aikido videos
* every time someone attemts to tickle you, you try to counter it with a shiho nage
* you ask your friends to be your uke every chance you get
* you feel you are holding a bokken every time you have an umbrella
* you feel you're japanese and that you've descended from samurai even though you were born near the equator...
06-29-2006, 04:04 AM
Heh --- this is a lot like a little thing I posted to my AikiBlog not that long ago (my Sensei's contribution follows). I've removed the dojo-specific references, however...
This came about when, on my break at work yesterday, I
looked down and realized that I was walking around
holding my wallet and water bottle like I was gripping
a bokken. :-P
You know you're a hardcore Aikidoka when:
- ...the Aikido dreams start.
- find yourself with an irresistible urge to
bow every time you enter or exit a room.
- ...the smell of rancid sweat has become oddly
unnoticeable to you.
- immediately stop what you're doing and sit
down whenever you hear someone clap their hands.
- feel like doing Yonkyo anytime someone
reaches to give you a handshake.
- no longer grip anything with your index
- wear athletic tape and/or Neoprene braces
so often, they're practically fashion accessories.
- You blurt out "Hai!" when you're asked to do something at home, or at work.
- You wonder how you would flip someone in an elevator.
- You don't just open a door -- you extend into it from your center.
- Missing practice makes you feel like a caged animal.
- A crowded sidewalk always means tai sabaki practice.
- You've tried doing mai ukemi down a hill -- or on cement.
- Sensei regularly slams the bleep out of you.
- You actually want Sensei to slam the bleep out of you.
This is a great list. ...the dreams start really resonates with me. It is so well crafted/worded. As a new aikidoka, I was surprised when the dreams started, and they continue! ; ) Kudos Jamie. My addition to the list is no longer wear any kind of jewelry as you go to class so often. It's freeing really.
07-03-2006, 01:24 PM
You feel that changing the day of your birthday party so you can attend class is a good idea.
I did and didn't get to go to class because I was ill and I was more annoyed because I had to miss class than because I was ill on my birthday
jason jordan
07-05-2006, 03:29 PM
You might be an addict if.... Your wife and kids don't come near you anymore for fear of a spontaneous aikido class!!!!!
You might be an addict if.... While sleeping in bed with your wife, she finds herself in submitted positions, becuase she accidentally entered into your maai!!!
Last one!
You might be an addict if... You took an extra day off work to watch and download aikido clips, and post threads!!!!!!
Robert Jackson
07-05-2006, 03:59 PM
downloaded/watched aikido clips, and post threads!!!!!! while at work :D
Matthew Brosseau
07-15-2006, 12:03 AM
- If you reply to controversy with "Oh yeah, Grab my wrist!!!"
- See a big hall and make decide forward rolls would get you through it quicker.
- "Chew your food with your center" -- Gotta give Bozz props for this one..
OMFG!!! I love the grab my wrist one.
You steal the family's new deck for your private dojo.
Roy Klein wrote "Hi people!
My family built a huge wooden deck at our back yard, and to me it looks like a huge potential private dojo."
ALine Filipe
07-17-2006, 07:56 AM
I'm not alone!!!!! i'm not alone!!! :D
you're an aikido addicted if..
1. there's no other known compliment as bow.
2. whenever someone tells to do something you answer "Hai!"
3. you skip so much school for Aikido classes that teachers already know where you are
4. you're best friends are from Aikido
5. you just go out with aikido people
6. your other half does AIkido (now tell me isn't it almost crucial?)
7. you're always trying to put family in the dojo
8. you wanted to cover the floor with mat
9. if you continue with this post you would feel yourself too much alienated... yeah... better not to think!!!
i'm a regular and not twisted person I am!!! :blush:
ALine Filipe
07-17-2006, 07:58 AM
You feel that changing the day of your birthday party so you can attend class is a good idea.
I did and didn't get to go to class because I was ill and I was more annoyed because I had to miss class than because I was ill on my birthday
yeah... and also skip birthday party for a seminar (great one indeed :p ) .... :blush:
ALine Filipe
07-17-2006, 08:01 AM
My addition to the list is no longer wear any kind of jewelry as you go to class so often. It's freeing really.
oh gosh...
i also began to to wear it because of aikido... always forget the ring (engamment) inside the aikido bag... DAMN :uch:
07-17-2006, 11:45 AM
I'm not alone!!!!! i'm not alone!!! :D
No, we're everywhere. evileyes
you're an aikido addicted if .... you're always trying to put family in the dojo....
This, to me, is on the fine line between merely being an Aikido Addict and an Aikido Pusher. I believe I am also straddling that line. Because of the new addition to the list:
You might be an Aikido Addict if ....
.... you are always loaning books, DVDs, and videos on Aikido to your Kali instructor, regardless of whether he's asked for them, and he hasn't. But he reads them! (Wonder when he'll be done with Secrets of Aikido?)
.... i'm a regular and not twisted person I am!!! :blush:
Well, not until you're uke you're not twisted. :)
jason jordan
07-17-2006, 10:20 PM
I'm not alone!!!!! i'm not alone!!! :D
you're an aikido addicted if..
1. there's no other known compliment as bow.
2. whenever someone tells to do something you answer "Hai!"
3. you skip so much school for Aikido classes that teachers already know where you are
4. you're best friends are from Aikido
5. you just go out with aikido people
6. your other half does AIkido (now tell me isn't it almost crucial?)
7. you're always trying to put family in the dojo
8. you wanted to cover the floor with mat
9. if you continue with this post you would feel yourself too much alienated... yeah... better not to think!!!
i'm a regular and not twisted person I am!!! :blush:
Number 8 is me all day long.... Doesn't the soft, yet firmness of good tatami just feel good to your feet????
I want an entire room of my house laid with tatami... Ah heck might as well just build a dojo in the house, never know when the fellas might drop by.
ALine Filipe
07-18-2006, 07:02 AM
No, we're everywhere. evileyes
ahhhh i'm reliefed :D !! you know the feeling of not to be understood by people that want me to be out of the tatami!! :dead: HELP ME!!! god damnit i think is the tatami... can it be an addiction??? hum.... smells like..... :hypno: :hypno:
Well, not until you're uke you're not twisted. :)
:confused: hum.. but.. i'm sometimes uke... :sorry: DAMN!
ALine Filipe
07-18-2006, 07:08 AM
I want an entire room of my house laid with tatami... Ah heck might as well just build a dojo in the house, never know when the fellas might drop by.
yeah i know the feeling!!! :crazy: do you also sleep with your boken? better be safe... well i rather prefer to be surprised :D let them come!!! evileyes eheheheheh
gosh now that i come to think about..there was one day that i was alone at home and i heard some noise in the backwards. :eek: some REAL NOISE! i was so scrared that i picked my tanto and went alone to discover the danger... i haven't seen a thing of course :blush: propably the wind... Panic is sure a bad thing... :disgust:
see??? have to practice a lot more.. i was out of control!!!! :sorry: WORK WORK WORK!!!!
07-18-2006, 11:41 AM
... making ki/key jokes is second nature to you.
... you just scolled through this whole thread to make sure you hadn't already posted that.
... you originated this thread
Trish Greene
07-18-2006, 01:07 PM
If you leap up in the morning and plunge your body in a cold bathtub ....
jason jordan
07-18-2006, 04:42 PM
yeah i know the feeling!!! :crazy: do you also sleep with your boken? better be safe... well i rather prefer to be surprised :D let them come!!! evileyes eheheheheh
No Aline, what is really bad, and yes I admitt it.... but before I got married 1 year ago, I actually slept with my Katana!!!!! :freaky: :crazy:
Hello every body my name is Jason and I am an Aikido addict.....and (Very Proud of it toooo!!!!!) :D
07-23-2006, 08:45 PM
jason ...
nowt wrong with hugging a a big sword!
ALine Filipe
07-24-2006, 06:24 AM
jason.... you have some issues!! :D
... haven't you ever cut your self in it? i mean.. dreams arenot alway THE SAME YA KNOW!!!? :D
07-24-2006, 10:44 AM
jason ...
nowt wrong with hugging a a big sword!
Times like this, I worry about you, Emma. Hell, times like this I wonder what the %$#&%&^%$&^% I've got myself into by coming back to Aikido! :hypno: :crazy: :eek:
08-02-2006, 12:18 PM
you may be an aikido addict if you spend the whole day looking up pictures (to try and get others to join you at aikido) and info on dojos near your uni, signing up to aikiweb (and checking every 5 mins for the confirmation e-mail) and correcting people on other sites on their view of aikido. To the extent of forgetting to eat or drink (and forgetting to tidy your room even though the parentals keep asking you to do it around every half hour)
:ai: :ki: :do:
08-02-2006, 12:27 PM
ou may be addicted if when having run out of books to read you consider knitting some little aikidoku and putting pipe cleaners in them or something so you can pose them doing various techniques
Trish Greene
08-02-2006, 01:27 PM go in to deep withdrawals when the website is down for a week.....and realize that you DO have a job that you are suppose to be working at...
08-04-2006, 02:50 AM
...after a drunken night out with friends you start rolling up and down the hallways in your flat, to prove you aren't drunk
...your alarm goes off in the morning and before you've even opened your eyes you've rolled out of bed and are waiting to be attacked (i think i was dreaming about aikido again)
:ai: :ki: :do:
08-09-2006, 07:30 PM
... you see a license plate with "UKE" in the number and wonder if it's another Aikido addict.
... you started this thread, and are still glad to see it's added to!
Nich Sanctis
08-10-2006, 09:04 AM
...after a drunken night out with friends you start rolling up and down the hallways in your flat, to prove you aren't drunk
:ai: :ki: :do:
I'm guilty... lol
Mike Hamer
08-10-2006, 10:15 AM
If you leap up in the morning and plunge your body in a cold bathtub ....
aaahahahaaha, good one.
If you can be found in the wee hours of the night, doing forward rolls off park benches..
08-10-2006, 10:44 AM
The first two numbers in your speed dial are your dojo and that Chinese place down the street...... :D
Nich Sanctis
08-10-2006, 11:25 AM
Don't want to steal your thunder, but it goes along with it.
If your most recent call history is the dojo, your fellow aikidokan and then your mom.. you might be addicted.
Mike Hamer
08-11-2006, 03:04 AM
If your on Aikiweb tis late when you've gotta get up for work in the morning.
goodnight everyone...
08-11-2006, 11:09 AM
If your on Aikiweb tis late when you've gotta get up for work in the morning.
goodnight everyone...
Oh, come on! Surely you can get by with only five or six seconds of sleep a day; stay on a little longer! evileyes ;) :)
08-13-2006, 12:26 PM eagerly wait for Halloween (or any other costume party) to wear your gi and hakama outside the dojo.
-U- (Another Aikido dreamer)
Matthew Brosseau
08-19-2006, 08:39 PM
When on a airplane, you laugh when the flight attendant says information about the exit slides because you can just front roll out the exit.
09-01-2006, 11:16 PM
You skip studying for your quarter year tests,claiming that you're tired, and go to aikido practice instead. . .
It was fun but now I really have to study!
Rigel Keffer
09-01-2006, 11:43 PM
-when you havent trained in 6 years but it was constantly on your mine
-when after your first class back after 6 years you hurt like hell can barely walk, but have a huge smile on your face and cant wait until next class
True. 9 years.
The mats are another kind of home.
09-02-2006, 10:59 AM
You skip studying for your quarter year tests,claiming that you're tired, and go to aikido practice instead. . .
It was fun but now I really have to study!
I can hear it now, when your dad finds out what you did: "What is it with these kids today? Skipping class to do Aikido? When I was a boy, we went out to do drugs and get hammered. Kids today skipping class to do something GOOD for them .... what's the world coming to?" :D
09-02-2006, 11:21 AM
-- you originated this thread.
-- you just reread all the posts from the beginning. (I did, too.)
09-11-2006, 04:50 AM
I can hear it now, when your dad finds out what you did: "What is it with these kids today? Skipping class to do Aikido? When I was a boy, we went out to do drugs and get hammered. Kids today skipping class to do something GOOD for them .... what's the world coming to?" :D
I wouldn't say it was good. . . I kinda almost busted my shoulder, :uch: , but I'm OK now!
I have this really nosy brother. He keeps bursting into my room and after mush frustration I put this on my door:
"If you dare open the Dread Portal and awaken the Demon of Doom you had better do a backwards ukemi. Fast! :grr: "
09-11-2006, 07:12 PM
Heh- find yourself with an irresistible urge to
bow every time you enter or exit a room.
- ...the smell of rancid sweat has become oddly
unnoticeable to you.
- You blurt out "Hai!" when you're asked to do something at home, or at work.
- Sensei regularly slams the crap out of you.
- You actually want Sensei to slam the crap out of you.
HA HA HA HA!! that is me described to a T, the other day my boss asked me to do something, i responded with a "Hai!" anda quick bow..much to her puzzlement.
Eric Cook
09-12-2006, 02:51 AM
If you walk around the halls of your dormitory in the dead of night spreading Aikido through witty dry erase board comments, you might be an Aikido addict (and at such a young age, there may not be much hope of recovery).
Eric Webber
09-12-2006, 11:17 AM
You consider a suede covered shinai a "covered dish" and bring it to picnics.
12-09-2006, 12:21 AM
... you are bummed out by the fact that you have gone more than a week without going to Aikido class. :( :(
... you started this thread and post a message just to bump it.
12-09-2006, 05:08 PM
you stand in kamae every chance you get. you lean your shoulder over and attempt to do a breakfall on concrete. You end every argument with "Alright, just grab my wrist"
12-10-2006, 12:44 AM
.... You commonly walk in shikko at home or work to get from one place to another without standing up ....
I'm not that far gone yet, however ....
You might be an Aikido addict if ....
.... you walk in shikko during kali class and you don't realize you're doing it until you've already gone two steps. :) We were setting up to do leg locks, and I just refelxively used it to get over to my partner!
.... you started this thread.
... you reread the thread from the beginning at 1:43 AM when most sane people have long since gone to bed.
Mary Turner
12-10-2006, 06:04 PM
- find yourself with an irresistible urge to
bow every time you enter or exit a room.
I do this at yoga. Always funny for the instuctor, especially when I bow after she offers a correction.
Kim Rivers
12-18-2006, 12:15 PM
OK I've done or am doing these very things, guess I'm an aikido addict -Kim
[QUOTE=Jamie D. Ducusin]
You know you're a hardcore Aikidoka when:
- ...the Aikido dreams start.
- find yourself with an irresistible urge to
bow every time you enter or exit a room.
- feel like doing Yonkyo anytime someone
reaches to give you a handshake.
- no longer grip anything with your index
- You blurt out "Hai!" when you're asked to do something at home, or at work.
- You don't just open a door -- you extend into it from your center.
- Missing practice makes you feel like a caged animal.
- A crowded sidewalk always means tai sabaki practice.
- You've tried doing mai ukemi down a hill -- or on cement.
Kim Rivers
12-18-2006, 12:27 PM
HA HA HA HA!! that is me described to a T, the other day my boss asked me to do something, i responded with a "Hai!" anda quick bow..much to her puzzlement.
I have been known to do this! also friends who know I practice aikido (but don't themselves) have learned that like pavlov's dogs all they need do is let out a kiai, followed by "seiza please" and I will stop whatever i'm doing, bow and drop to seiza. They think it's funny and use me as a parlor trick at parties! Oh the shame of it. -Kim
Princess Rose
12-18-2006, 02:05 PM
Lol I have a facebook group that is just like this
Group Info Name: AA (Aikiholics anonymous)
Type: Sports & Recreation - Martial Arts
Description: This is a support group for people who find themselves addicted to Aikido. You may be suffering (or enjoying) an Aikido addiction if you answer yes to one or more of the following:
You do 3-4 loads of white laundry per week
You especially buy white clothing and towels so you can have a full load when you wash your gi
You pay membership at two different dojos
You consider the people at your home dojo your real family
You have more pictures on your wall from aikido than parties and vacations
Your plans for spring break include visiting other dojos
An ideal birthday includes an Aikido seminar
Minor bruises are such a natural occurrence your friends think they are birthmarks
You were called into your counselor’s office in high school because she attributed your black eye to an abusive relationship
You spend more time on Aikido than you do sleeping
You don’t complain about not having a life, you just think that going to Aikido every night is a perfectly suitable one.
You think wooden weapons make the best Christmas presents
You use duck tape to mend everything (cuts, sprains, ripped clothing)
You tell jokes that usually include the line “grab my wrist buddy”
You think the best hugs end in somebody falling down
You think the 15 minutes between classes is for practicing MORE Aikido
You sometimes look really stupid in public because you accidentally bow when talking to someone
You entertain your friends by taking forward rolls on concrete
You dust the kamiza in the dojo more than you dust in your own room
You are constantly tempted to throw your boyfriend/girlfriend into a sweet kotagaeshi break fall when you are holding hands
You sit in seza all the time because it is now comfortable
You knee walk instead of bending over
When making a decision your first thought is, what would Ueshiba do?
You're day isn't complete if you can stand up at the end of it
The harder you're beaten, the more you know you're loved
You hold hands with sweaty old men every night
You wear your gi pants around the house because they're so damn comfortable
You get really mad at jackets when the lapel buttons with the right side on top
If nobody can tell you are limping because something is screwed up on both sides of your body
You think it’s funny to gross your friends out with your swollen appendages.
Every night you practice "beer waza" or "fooditachi"
(this one was added by the older members of Aikido of N CO because I'm not old enough to practice beer waza just yet)
You are pretty much freaking awesome because Aikido is the bomb!!!!!!!
Princess Rose
12-18-2006, 02:16 PM
And a few that really just pertain to me:
You are mad at finals for interfering with your Aikido practice.
You use Aikido principles to survive in mosh pits.
You think your hakama makes your butt look big.
In class instead of doodling pot leaves and beer kegs on notebooks you doodle kanji
Princess Rose
12-18-2006, 02:18 PM
oh and you read this thread instead of studying for your sociology final that starts in aghghghghgh 10 minutes
James Davis
12-18-2006, 04:55 PM
Your plans for spring break include visiting other dojos
Bring it on!! :D
You think wooden weapons make the best Christmas presents
Yup. Suburito last Christmas. :)
You are constantly tempted to throw your boyfriend/girlfriend into a sweet kotagaeshi break fall when you are holding hands
Strangely enough, my wife (who was my girlfriend at the time) threw me with a koshinage... out of nowhere... when we were supposed to be playing soccer... in front of my family... My WHOLE family! At least a hundred people were present at my family reunion. :p I think I've been teaching her too much. :crazy:
Princess Rose
12-18-2006, 05:05 PM
Strangely enough, my wife (who was my girlfriend at the time) threw me with a koshinage... out of nowhere... when we were supposed to be playing soccer... in front of my family... My WHOLE family! At least a hundred people were present at my family reunion. :p I think I've been teaching her too much. :crazy:
Not a funny as when I did a diving forward roll through the arms of the captain of my high school's football team when we were playing capture the flag.
Marc Abrams
12-19-2006, 01:11 PM
Your seriously addicted to Aikido when you pulverize a picture of O'Sensei, mix it with a little water, heat the mixture on a spoon, Draw the warm mixture up into a syringe, tie a rubber cord around your upper arm and inject the mixture into main vein protruding on the inside of your elbow.
Outside of that enjoy the practice!
marc abrams
12-19-2006, 02:02 PM
You start your own dojo just so you have more time to train.
Of course, it doesn't actually work out that way...
Rigel Keffer
12-23-2006, 08:35 AM
You go to give blood, and when you pull up your sleeves, the Red Cross phlebotomist visibly recoils at the sight of the bruises on your wrists, hands, and arms. (I bruise very easily and had just trained hard.) :freaky: She then procedes to ask probing questions of the, "Do you have an abusive boyfriend?" slant.
Princess Rose
12-25-2006, 10:15 AM
During the Colorado Holliday Dig-out you snow shoed for an hour to get to the dojo only to find a note on the door saying classes were cancelled. :hypno:
John (King John)
12-26-2006, 05:36 AM
During the Colorado Holliday Dig-out you snow shoed for an hour to get to the dojo only to find a note on the door saying classes were cancelled. :hypno:
That would be a YES I'm thinking :D
Robert Jackson
12-27-2006, 11:48 PM
1. Someone says "Man I can't help but enjoy throwing your butt around!" ... and you take it as a compliment!
If said person is NOT a fellow student... get help now! :D
12-29-2006, 01:13 AM
During the Colorado Holliday Dig-out you snow shoed for an hour to get to the dojo only to find a note on the door saying classes were cancelled.
I would have thought that the True Addicts would find the Dojo ready for training as usual... :)
12-31-2006, 01:57 PM
.... you are bummed out that you lingering Christmas Cold is preveting you from going to he NewYear's Eve class.
01-08-2007, 12:01 AM
Your seriously addicted to Aikido when you pulverize a picture of O'Sensei, mix it with a little water, heat the mixture on a spoon, Draw the warm mixture up into a syringe, tie a rubber cord around your upper arm and inject the mixture into main vein protruding on the inside of your elbow.
Is that done omote or ura?
01-08-2007, 10:44 AM
Is that done omote or ura?
Both ways on both sides, of course!
01-09-2007, 05:32 AM
You are an Aikido addict if you think best shape for you is 'round' because that gives you best balance around your center of gravity when moving.
John (King John)
01-10-2007, 03:19 PM
I'm working on 'round'. Please don't tell me I'm eating all those cakes for nothing! :blush:
Mark Freeman
01-11-2007, 11:21 AM
I'm working on 'round'. Please don't tell me I'm eating all those cakes for nothing! :blush:
this may explain why my belt seems to be getting shorter :D
Princess Rose
01-11-2007, 11:33 AM
I'm working on 'round'. Please don't tell me I'm eating all those cakes for nothing! :blush:
Round is way hott baby...
You might be an Aikido addict if you think round is hott ;)
Ryan Sanford
01-11-2007, 03:34 PM
You might be an addict if you spend your whole hour in web design looking at this web site...
01-14-2007, 09:38 PM
... you play the same Youtube clip every time you go online. (
.... you dread clearing your browser cache because you know it will take forever to redownload the aforementioned clip (yes, I still have dialup).
01-14-2007, 11:39 PM
you have your own shomen in your room ( :ai: :ki: :do: scroll, O'Sensei photo and a weapon stand) :straightf
01-16-2007, 08:45 AM
i must say, i think i am an aikido addict!!! :D
Chikai Aikidoka
01-16-2007, 10:07 AM
When for a second consider Irimi or Tenkan while entering a crowded round about with you car :crazy:
Chikai Aikidoka
01-16-2007, 10:15 AM
... when you keep thinking ....
nice Tenkan ....
nice irimi ...
oooh... she could'ave put up a nice Ryote dori Iriminage on him'
while watching 'Dancing with the Stars"!
Chikai Aikidoka
01-16-2007, 10:20 AM
or when ur wife about to hold ur hand (in an intimate moment).... then .... she suddenly withdraw it knowing ur expected, by now, reflex .... nice Katate!
Karen Wolek
01-16-2007, 02:21 PM
When you're the only one who tested on Tuesday night....that shows up for class on Wednesday. Rarin to go!!!!! :)
1st Kyu! Woo hoo!
Ron Tisdale
01-16-2007, 03:16 PM
Rigel Keffer
01-16-2007, 05:18 PM
WOW! Congratulations! Hoodyhoo!!!
James Davis
01-17-2007, 12:33 PM
When you're the only one who tested on Tuesday night....that shows up for class on Wednesday. Rarin to go!!!!! :)
1st Kyu! Woo hoo!
Look at you! Keep at it, and have a good time. :)
Karen Wolek
01-17-2007, 03:16 PM
Thanks, Ron, James, and Rigel! I had a really fun time at my test. Imagine that! :)
scott rogers
01-18-2007, 01:16 AM
thats hilarious because about a week ago my wife and i were in a rite aid and she came up behind me and put her hand on my shoulder and i got her in a sankyo hold.
Karen Wolek
01-18-2007, 08:38 PM
You have to catch yourself as you almost say, "Yes, Sensei" to your college (art) professor.....
01-19-2007, 07:38 AM
... you are bummed out by the fact that you have gone more than a week without going to Aikido class. :( :(
... you started this thread and post a message just to bump it.
a WEEK! you think a single WEEK without aikido is bad? i'm in my SECOND YEAR at uni and therefore away from home and my aikido club, i train obsessively when i'm home to try and get a fix. there is a dojo in my adoptive city but it's at the other side of town and for some reason my friends worry about the city's thugs and don't like the idea of me getting the bus home alone after training, weird people. i do jujitsu and kobudo at uni so at least i'm doing something but i think the people i train with there can tell when i'm going into withdrawl, i start picking holes in the techniques and last timeend up grappling with a 3rd dan, i would have had him too except sensei was coming over to see what was going on.
01-19-2007, 08:44 AM
You're sitting in your office talking... your chair breaks sending fly backwards... UshirioUkemi comes into play and your hands slap the carpet without even thinking... you marvel at your ukemi before you even think to wonder what actually happened.... or why your coworkers are laughing.
similar but not
doing jujitsu because it's better than doing nothing, you're taught a new throw (ricebail?) and the first time you do it your momentum is such that you ushiro ukemi right over the 1st dan training you, releasing your choke hold and coming up ready to slam him head off the tatami if he looks at you wrong, then are told, "you're only going for orange you aren't supposed to go that far, but if you want to then just roll to your knees then punch him in the face."
a few more
you automatically drop to seiza to recieve instruction, even when that's not the done thing when practicing a different art
you knee walk around despite the weird looks from all around you
every time you walk over a certain piece of ground you have the irresistable urge to mae ukemi (i haven't yet, only because it's at work, and i work in a student bar, but it's a perfect place for ukemi practice, carpeted for a little give, suitable length and width and yea, i'm addicted)
one of your housemates reminds you that "we're both english, so speak english" because you prefer the term ukemi to roll
Rigel Keffer
01-21-2007, 06:24 PM
Well, I've taken my son (who often comes to class with me and hangs out on the edge of the mats) into the aikido abyss with me! :)
One of his classmates had a birthday party at the skating rink this afternoon. It was my son's first time roller skating ever. OUCH!
As I approached teaching my son to skate, anyone overhearing would've thought they were in a dojo:
When you fall backward, tuck your chin! Tuck your chin! Keep your head up!
When you fall forward, don't fall onto your wrists! Spread out the impact!
Keep your center! Keep your center!
OK, do what Mr. Bob (the sensei) does! Fall like Mr. Guy! Fall like Mr. Dave!
(BTW, score one for me: I roller skated for the first time in 12 years and actually held my own! :freaky: ;) )
And, the Japanese terminology: a) odd looks from other parents b) my son understood! :D
01-21-2007, 09:10 PM
a WEEK! you think a single WEEK without aikido is bad? i'm in my SECOND YEAR at uni and therefore away from home and my aikido club, i train obsessively when i'm home to try and get a fix. there is a dojo in my adoptive city but it's at the other side of town and for some reason my friends worry about the city's thugs and don't like the idea of me getting the bus home alone after training, weird people. i do jujitsu and kobudo at uni so at least i'm doing something but i think the people i train with there can tell when i'm going into withdrawl, i start picking holes in the techniques and last timeend up grappling with a 3rd dan, i would have had him too except sensei was coming over to see what was going on.
One year? I didn't do it for sixteen years before I succumbed to withdrawal and came back.
01-21-2007, 09:21 PM
.... you are contemplating (I haven't made any plans yet) a 1,646 mile (2633.6 km) multi-part round trip road trip to follw your sensei to a seminar he's going to teach in Cincinatti.
...You not only did that trip in '05, but again in '06 and, well, right now!
... You are going to take Sensei's advice to try and swing through Wright Patterson AFB's museum on the way home.
(Ok, the second is not really about Aikido, but I'm taking his advice!)
Karen Wolek
01-21-2007, 09:59 PM
(BTW, score one for me: I roller skated for the first time in 12 years and actually held my own! :freaky: ;) )
And, the Japanese terminology: a) odd looks from other parents b) my son understood! :D
You might get a kick out of something I wrote last year:
Rigel Keffer
01-22-2007, 02:23 AM
:) Karen! I liked your article. I kept thinking, "Exactly!" Oh, and add a big appreciation for having mats to land on!
Maybe we should have our next dojo parties at a roller rink! :D
All I know is, I held my own respectably, but I am definitely looking forward to the next chiropractor appointment! :p
01-22-2007, 07:59 PM
... If the only Aikido class you've ever missed was due to a information session on a test that, if passed, will allow you to become licensed in the field that you've spent the past 3.5 years studying.
... If, after 4 months, you're still upset for missing that class.
... If you wish you had a larger dorm room to practice rolls.
... If you show up 15 minutes early to practice, set up the entire dojo yourself, and sit in seiza and meditate before anyone else shows up.
... If the aforementioned behavior is routine, and you're upset if you don't adhere to it.
... If you're walking to class in -10 below and, upon spying a fresh 6 inches of snow, you ponder if it would be soft enough to roll on.
... If you've been putting off homework to read this thread.
... If you've been putting off homework to respond to this thread.
... If you think your umbrella would make a really great shinai and have, on more than one occasion, seriously considered bringing it to weapons practice in place of a bokken.
... If you joke with your dojo mates on what a hakama made entirely out of chainmaille would be like.
... If you seriously considered making a hakama out of chainmaille.
and most importantly...
... If you hang around for an extra 15 - 20 minutes after the dojo is cleaned up, with sweat dripping off your back, your throat dry and your body sore, knowing that you have a cold glass of water and a hot shower waiting for you at home, just so you can hang out and chat with the people you unquestionably know are your true family.
Rigel Keffer
01-22-2007, 09:27 PM
... If you're walking to class in -10 below and, upon spying a fresh 6 inches of snow, you ponder if it would be soft enough to roll on.
Aikidoka snow angels! :)
... If you've been putting off homework to read this thread.
... If you've been putting off homework to respond to this thread.
Ummm, well, yeah, of course. And, I'd add: If you've ever called this forum up onto your laptop screen during a boring lecture! :eek:
... If you think your umbrella would make a really great shinai and have, on more than one occasion, seriously considered bringing it to weapons practice in place of a bokken.
I have an issue of a martial arts journal that contains an article about canes as weapons and also mentioned umbrellas. There are even specially designed canes and weapons specifically for use as martial arts weapons.
... If you joke with your dojo mates on what a hakama made entirely out of chainmaille would be like.
... If you seriously considered making a hakama out of chainmaille.
OOOOOOOOOOOoooooo, coooooooollll!!! I want one! :D
... If you hang around for an extra 15 - 20 minutes after the dojo is cleaned up, with sweat dripping off your back, your throat dry and your body sore, knowing that you have a cold glass of water and a hot shower waiting for you at home, just so you can hang out and chat with the people you unquestionably know are your true family.
Don't we all? I consider it one of the best parts of training! ;)
01-23-2007, 01:09 AM
When in army (conscription service & reserves where I live) you get commendations for saving the 12-meter telescope mast (which wouldn't have taken the crash of itself, let alone my 80 kilos plus my combat gear) by taking a forward breakfall into high right-knee front kneel when slipping while hauling it... In a demo... and make it look like the mast was going to be planted at that point so you did it the fancy way... :)
I still pity thta none of the people watchign the demo had video cameras at hand... I only have second-hand impressions of that breakfall, I was too dazzled by the suddenness of it all.
Niccolo Gallio
01-29-2007, 06:31 AM
Don't know if this has been mentioned already, but I've happened to refuse or postpone dates because I had to train..
Rigel Keffer
01-30-2007, 12:04 PM
I've found this to be an interesting test for potential dates:
I invite the guy to come hit the mats with me.
Still waiting....
02-01-2007, 07:33 AM
You know you're addicted to aikido if you get in a taxi after a night of wheatbeer and jagermeister and give the driver directions to your local dojo instead of your house... Probably because you spend more time at the dojo then at home anyway.
02-02-2007, 12:35 AM
You know you're addicted to aikido if you get in a taxi after a night of wheatbeer and jagermeister and give the driver directions to your local dojo instead of your house... Probably because you spend more time at the dojo then at home anyway.
LOL.... that's awesome!!!
Rigel Keffer
02-03-2007, 09:31 PM
While watching Mythbusters, you catch yourself thinking, "Tory needs ukemi training."
Rigel Keffer
02-03-2007, 10:38 PM
While watching PBR, you catch yourself thinking, "Those cowboys would fair better on buckoffs if they had some ukemi training."
02-05-2007, 09:18 AM
You catch yourself doing tenkan practice in the corridor at work. I don't think anyone saw me...
John (King John)
02-05-2007, 02:37 PM
You catch yourself doing tenkan practice in the corridor at work....
All the time. Is this unusual?
02-05-2007, 03:27 PM
All the time. Is this unusual?
And why would it be a problem?
Heck I do this and other exercises at my desk.
And I teach wrist stretching exercises to co-workers to help them deal with RTI's (and they work when done correctly and diligently).
A little tenkan each day keeps tension at bay.
02-06-2007, 03:56 AM
I'm glad to know that tenkans in corridors is perfectly normal, it just surprised me to find my self doing it.
The other thing I've found myself doing is opening doors from centre. I think that's all ready on this thread somewhere but I can't be bothered to find the quote.
02-08-2007, 04:29 PM
can't be bothered will all the quoting so here goes
working in a bar, going glass collecting, practising your foot movements to avoid drunk, beligerent football fans
also, when on an impromtue night out with some roleplayers you've had a few and when the song tells you to "sit down, sit down, sit down next to me" everyone else falls into a vague seating type position, while you move into seiza without thinking
(this did however get me a few comments along the lines of "you must me good in the bedroom", "how obedient", and the like, i repied with "i haven't had any complaints" but only because one of the guys making the comments could whoop my ass 6 ways from sunday otherwise well, i wouldn't have been so restrained (incase any of the relevant people see this :P see, being good, no violence:P))
02-09-2007, 03:21 PM
you go to the dentist and slap on the chair to indicate there's pain. :D
02-09-2007, 04:33 PM
I did, recently...
My dentist wanted to know what that was all about ,so I did Sankyo on him..
he said but what if I punch with the other hand.. so I did takedown..almost,too much equipment around us !!
Absolutely hilarious !!
Jane Biggio
02-09-2007, 11:07 PM
You drive an hour to get to class.
You sit in a hot tub for at least an hour after Aikido class.
You got divorced in part because your spouse didn't appreciate your dedication to training.
All three of your children do Aikido.
When preoccupied your children know they can always get your attention by calling you 'sensei'.
You teach 4 Aikido classes a week and that's why you don't have a 'real' job.
Of course Aikidoka are family, even the ones you only see a few times a year at seminar.
You speak broken English as if you were Japanese.
You 'stored' your mats opened up on the living room floor.
You refer to your children as 'mat rats'.
You fret about not having time to get the laundry or dishes done as you prop your feet up on the coffee table and open up the "Philosophy of Aikido".
You got home from Aikido class and actually read ALL 213 of these entries!!!!!!! And laughed A LOT!!!
You're broke thanks to your determination to live your priorities.
Jim ashby
02-10-2007, 11:11 AM
Well Mr Boddum, that wouldn't work on my dentist. As well as a being a dentist he's 1st Dan in Shotokan karate and a 1st Dan in Aikido (from my home dojo).
Good job he's so painless.
02-11-2007, 10:55 AM
You refer to your children as 'mat rats'.
The children's program for the 8-14 year olds in our Stockton Dojo is called The Mat Rats. In an effort to distinguish the Stockton Mat Rats from the Rio Vista Mat Rats one of the Stockton instructors refered to the Rio Vista kids as River Rats.
The Rio Vista kids loved and River Rats they are to this day.
As for spouses: my oldest daughter trains, my youngest son trains, my wife started training with a weekend intensive this weekend and she plans to continue. My wife helps me run the Rio Vista dojo as well.
My youngest daughter is looking forward to starting her training next year.
"Hi. My name is Michael and I'm an Aikido addict."
02-11-2007, 11:48 AM
"Hi. My name is Michael and I'm an Aikido addict."
Hi, Mike!
02-11-2007, 11:51 AM
.... You got home from Aikido class and actually read ALL 213 of these entries!!!!!!! And laughed A LOT!!!
And if after ding that, you realize which ones apply to you, well .... do I have to spell it out? :)
02-12-2007, 02:53 AM
you go to the dentist and slap on the chair to indicate there's pain. :D
What about slapping? What pain?
Getting to used to odd twinges that the dentist has to ask you four times if you are okay while she's drilling fourth tooth and you're just snoring there without local anesthesia... :)
02-12-2007, 04:27 AM
you are so engrossed in checking your aikiweb messages that you only start getting ready to go to class at the time you'd normally leave to get there on time (still made it here though, coz i rock)
then on arriving at your class you take the first opportunity to log back into aikiweb and tell everyone of the latest proof of your addiction
oh and 2 of the assists ask you if you're ok and give you an info card for the counselling service
(i have bruises from conditioning :D)
02-23-2007, 02:12 AM
--you enjoy cleaning the dojo bathroom
--you had to open another window with the AikiWiki just to get all the jokes in this thread
--and yes, the dreams!
--you're happy when your quads hurt too much to walk down the stairs
--you're happy when once again putting athletic tape over the mat sores that just don't want to heal
--you dream up funny aikido bumper stickers
--you troll Bu Jin Design in the middle of the night looking for bargains
--you consider reading this thread "part of your education"
--you want less and less to hang out with people who can't get a good Aikido joke
--your husband takes up Aikido partly to get you off his case
--your 5 yo helps you study for your 6th kyu test
--you find the bruises on your wrists amusing because (1) none of the perpetrators stayed standing and (2) the worst one was caused by the smallest, blondest aikidoka in the dojo
--you show up at the dojo with movies, snacks, and a portable heater, so your kids are content while you take class
--after 10 inches of snow, you decide "Snowkido" would make an excellent winter sport and seriously think about rounding up the aikidoka to give it a try.
OK, I'm out of the closet now!! :)
02-27-2007, 05:40 AM
2 days after a course, you're still wincing every time you move and all you want to do is train some more
you spent a while on the journey home from the course thinking up aiki bumper stickers to put in the back window so sensei knows that the wierdos in the car infront are aikidoka and therefore not dangerous
02-27-2007, 07:41 AM
--you enjoy cleaning the dojo bathroom
ok Jenny, I think you win.
02-28-2007, 08:20 PM
ok Jenny, I think you win.
I know, Sharon, it's pathetic of me; but I won't clean the GUYS' bathroom.....
03-05-2007, 04:03 AM
at a jujitsu grading as you're waiting to be called in the people you're chatting with suddenly look at you strangely as your focus shifts to 2 guys practicing 10ft away and you start saying "Sankyo, just take sankyo, it's right there" and the like, even though we don't do sankyo at ju jitsu and he was fumbling to get the technique he wanted but yea
Hi, I'm Krystyna, terminal Aikido addict.
Rigel Keffer
03-07-2007, 10:15 AM
When I came off the mats after class the other day, my son gave me a bearhug before I went into the lockerroom to change. It was a big, two-armed, burying his face in my middle tacklehug.
All of the sudden, he pulled back and looked up at me with a slightly surprised face and said, "Mommy! You smell like one of them!"
I took it as a compliment! ;)
03-15-2007, 03:49 AM
... When you just joined every Aikido related group on Myspace
Rigel Keffer
03-18-2007, 03:40 PM
You might be an Aikido addict if ...
1. You've ever heard and/or said the following words:
"Ouch! Yeah! That hurts! GOOD!"
Especially, if that was followed by, "Do it again!"
2. You can look at the various bruises on your hands, wrists, and forearms and name who caused each of them and which technique they were doing. And, you smile fondly as you think of each person even though they bruised you! :)
3. Your chiropractor begins each session with a deep sigh and, "You're still doing that aikido stuff, aren't you?"
4. You consider breakfalls a good way to loosen up the gunk in your lungs while getting over bronchitis.
5. You do NOT want to sit down for a while, you do NOT want to miss a second of class, and you utter the words, "I'm OK. I'll hurt when I get home."
6. Your gi gets washed 3 times more often than any other article of clothing in your wardrobe.
7. Someone asks why you are limping/not using an arm/hissing in pain when you bend over, and your story begins, "Oh, it was really great! In class yesterday, I finally got to try...."
8. Your friends don't even bother rolling their eyes or shaking their heads over the above anymore. They've given you over to aikido-addiction with no hope of return.
9. A good aikido class makes for a good mood for a day or two pretty much no matter what. A bad class, when you are mad at yourself and completely disgusted with your own ineptitude and mentally kicking yourself over being a completely useless idiot on the mats, makes for a cranky couple of days pretty much no matter what.
10. Your knees always resemble purple, bony plums.
11. You spend the time between classes worrying about and praying over someone who got hurt/sick during the previous class. It pains you to see another aikidoka need to step off the mats.
12. Your think of your week as: Monday aikido class :) , Tuesday aikido class:) , a day without aikido class :( , another day without aikido class :( , another day without aikido class :( , Saturday's extra-long aikido class :D , the Sabbath to recover from Saturday's extra-long aikido class ;) .
And, it's official as of this week, I'm an addict: the aikido dreams have begun! :p
connie brown
03-18-2007, 07:25 PM
Your chiropractor recommends that you take at least 2 weeks off of aikido because of a car accident, but tries to arrange things so that you can at least go to class a few times. She knows how hard it will be for you to stay away from practice. "I can stay away if necessary," I told her bravely. "No you can't" she said. "You're addicted."
Princess Rose
03-18-2007, 08:45 PM
You might be an Aikido addict if ...
2. You can look at the various bruises on your hands, wrists, and forearms and name who caused each of them and which technique they were doing. And, you smile fondly as you think of each person even though they bruised you! :)
You think bruises are signs of affection
You went around showing everyone after you received a bruise that you thought looked like a heart
Your friends tease you by calling Aikido your significant other
Rigel Keffer
03-18-2007, 09:20 PM
Your chiropractor recommends that you take at least 2 weeks off of aikido because of a car accident."
Are you OK, now? *worries*
Rigel Keffer
03-18-2007, 10:07 PM
While watching an episode of Airwolf season 2 on DVD, when the stuntman doubling as Stringfellow Hawke leaps from the rescue basket onto the straw roof of the building, rolls down the roof, hits the ground, and rolls to a stand, you think, "Ooooooooooooooo, nice ukemi!!!" and wonder if the stuntman was an aikidoka.
03-23-2007, 10:49 PM
.... the next three road trips you are going to take all involve going to Aikido seminars (although I will insert a non-Aikido trip in June).
... you've already decided on the intinerary for a road trip next January which will include another Aikido seminar.
03-25-2007, 08:05 AM
... everytime you come across a patch of thick, dry lawn you practise some mae ukemi and try to demonstrate a kaitenage to one of your friends in order to aid this.
Rigel Keffer
03-25-2007, 09:56 AM
You're having a BAD day, the kind of day that "bad" doesn't even cover, the kind of day where you keep sneaking off to cry a little, BUT if it's an aikido class day, you look at the clock, mark the time until class, and cheer up just a little. Staring at the clock, getting closer to class time is what gets you through the day.
Of course, God forbid, you get to class and then have a lousy class (see earlier post), because then you've just added being mad at yourself and more crying onto the pile. *sigh*
(My master's thesis rough draft is due on Friday. I have been working my behind off. I'm nowhere near ready. I'm panicking. Please pray for me!)
04-06-2007, 10:55 AM
Have a full load of both whites and colors to put in the laundry, no clean socks or drawers, but spend the last 1.25 in quarters you have to wash the Gi
07-28-2007, 04:56 PM
Heh --- this is a lot like a little thing I posted to my AikiBlog not that long ago (my Sensei's contribution follows). I've removed the dojo-specific references, however...
This came about when, on my break at work yesterday, I
looked down and realized that I was walking around
holding my wallet and water bottle like I was gripping
a bokken. :-P
You know you're a hardcore Aikidoka when:
... -Sensei regularly slams the crap out of you.
- You actually want Sensei to slam the crap out of you.
.... you realize you have fun being thrown by Sensei and think back to this post.
.... if your class in another martial art lets out half an hour before your Aikido class ends, you drive to Aikido, sit in on the last five minutes, and get conscripted into helping put the mats up
... you wonder what the world is coming to because no on has added to this thread for three months. :(
.... you started this thread.
Ryan Sanford
07-29-2007, 11:15 AM
this thread is brilliant, don't let it die! :)
jennifer paige smith
07-29-2007, 11:42 AM
Your friends call aikido your LTR (long term relationship), and your new boyfriend doesn't know what they mean,yet.
You might be an Aikido addict if you go to an AA meeting thinking it stands for "Aikidoka's Annonymous"
08-20-2007, 05:31 AM
you joined a group on facebook called AA (aikiholics annonymous) and found it to be owned/run by someone from aikiweb
08-20-2007, 10:30 AM
you joined a group on facebook called AA (aikiholics annonymous) and found it to be owned/run by someone from aikiweb
Could you post a link to it? I've got to see that!
08-20-2007, 10:37 AM
Heh --- this is a lot like a little thing I posted to my AikiBlog not that long ago (my Sensei's contribution follows). I've removed the dojo-specific references, however...
This came about when, on my break at work yesterday, I
looked down and realized that I was walking around
holding my wallet and water bottle like I was gripping
a bokken. :-P
You know you're a hardcore Aikidoka when:
- ...the Aikido dreams start.
.... you had an Aikido dream while on vacation in Maine, so you know you're doomed.
08-20-2007, 10:50 AM
Aikiholics Annonymous
08-22-2007, 11:31 AM
^^Thanks for posting the link. Unfortunately, only Facebook members can see it, and I'm not one. Oh, well; it's the thought that counts.
08-24-2007, 02:49 PM
If the first thing you do, being new to this whole thing, is read this topic and think: 'I'm going to be like that one day...'
09-03-2007, 11:30 AM
when one of your main reasons for not wanting to to back to college/university is that you'll be leaving aikido behind
and you see the new carpets in the lounge as perfect for practicing ukemi, especially as not all the furniture has been moved back in yet.
Michael Meister
09-03-2007, 12:10 PM
when one of your main reasons for not wanting to to back to college/university is that you'll be leaving aikido behind
and you see the new carpets in the lounge as perfect for practicing ukemi, especially as not all the furniture has been moved back in yet.
Who needs carpets. Concrete is the best floor for practicing ukemi. :D
Joyce Lunas
09-10-2007, 11:38 AM
First of all, it's "big laughs time", guys... :D
Second, I've had these nightmares for some months now, where I see my sensei staring at me because i missed some details in a technique or executed strange-looking tai-sabakis... (and in some cases i woke up in the middle of the night, all sweaty, feeling persecuted, shallow breath, heart pumping and all...)
There is one other case, when i had the flu, couldn't breathe properly, coughed all night but the thing that got me up was something strange: i was sitting seiza in my bed!
How addictive is that? Hmm, food for thought...
I know this is irrelevant, but I'm all excited about it: come October, 3 distinguised Shihans are visiting my country, Greece, for a special Aikido Festival; Kobayashi sensei, Igarashi sensei, Sirakawa sensei! I can hardly wait...
C u around guys,
have fun in class -so do I, actually...
09-28-2007, 09:56 AM
Try skipping your birthday EVERY YEAR for the New Years' Seminar instead!
(and getting mad when you don't get your birthday breakfalls...)
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